Mirrors in Space

Anna-Lea Kopperi




Glass is more

  • Rakennukset, sisäpuoli
  • Valo
  • Veistos
  • Väliaikainen


Anna-Lea Kopperin tilaa heijastava Mirrors in Space jäsentää näkyvää todellisuutta uudenlaisiksi kompositioiksi. Taiteilija luonnehtii kierrätetyistä peilipaloista luomaansa teosta:
“I relocate the mirrors in the gallery space. I reorder and recycle the mirrors collected from glass factories of Bergen and Murano. They lean on the walls according to their length from the biggest to the smallest ones, even under the stairs of the room. I compose multitudes of forms with thousands of pieces of mirror leftovers on the window benches and on the floor of the gallery. The fragments of mirrors multiply every detail of the space together with the visitors moving within if. The visitors take a glimpse at the reality beyond their senses trough the various endless reflections of light and reality. While entering the light installation the visitors may reflect on their existence here and now.”
Installation with recycled mirrors

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